

Scale Up

For Bigger Projects


Your Time To Market

There is huge transformation within the media and entertainment industry.

Companies are reinventing how they create content, optimize media supply chains, and compete for audience attention across streaming, broadcast, and direct-to-consumer platforms.

The power of cloud computing has enabled many M&E organisations to scale up at a moment’s notices to deliver bigger projects and attract better talent. Modernise your workloads and accelerate your time to market.

Translate cloud

efficiencies into

creative benefits

Leveraging cloud-based resources allows us to think bigger creatively. We now have access to an extensive infrastructure in the cloud which is completely scalable, meaning we can take on larger, more complex projects, and we can hire the best talent from around the world at a moment’s notice.

AWS have cloud solution areas developed to help all organisations within the media & entertainment industry with the challenges they face.


Spend more time creating with the most comprehensive set of cloud capabilities for content production.

Media Supply Chain & Archive

Award-winning, purpose-built capabilities to centralise and store media operations in the cloud.


Run low-latency broadcast workloads with the most agility, elasticity, scalability, and reliability of any cloud.

transACT Technology Solutions are an accredited AWS partner who are dedicated to supporting the Media & Entertainment industry. transACT have the experience and expertise to support M&E organisations like through every stage of their cloud journey.

transACT helped Lexhag Visual Effects to transform their global go to market strategy by creating the first virtual VFX studios and moving 170TB of data and media stored in various formats into AWS, learn more in the case study below.

Learn how transACT moved Lexhag Visual Effect Studio into the cloud

With a cloud-based VFX studio, we can scale to match our client’s needs from one day to the next.

Download our ebook

transACT Technology Solutions are an accredited AWS partner who are dedicated to supporting the Media.

    discover more

    Reinvent media and entertainment with AWS

    With AWS, you can select the right tools for your workloads to accelerate production launches, and see faster time to market.

    Move Any Data, Anywhere

    Move any data into AWS, regardless of where is resides with the leading AWS storage and migration partner.

    transACT works with global clients in driving business transformation. As one of the fastest-growing AWS partners globally, transACT has a strategic partnership with AWS that delivers industry first, AWS verified solutions to market. Our international team of cloud practitioners and subject matter experts provides AWS best practice and innovation that maximises the power of the cloud.

    Next Steps

    Book a call with one of our team who can provide further details on our offerings.